Big Sur Holy Bud (100%)
Jack the Ripper (100%)
Jack the Ripper (97%)
Big Sur Holy Bud (93%)
Jack the Ripper (90%)
Big Sur Holy Bud (21%)
Jack the Ripper (98%)
Big Sur Holy Bud (86%)
Jack the Ripper (64%)
Big Sur Holy Bud (23%)

Big Sur Holy Bud (100%)
Jack the Ripper (100%)
Big Sur Holy Bud (95%)
Jack the Ripper (95%)
Jack the Ripper (79%)
Big Sur Holy Bud (15%)
Big Sur Holy Bud (86%)
Big Sur Holy Bud (84%)
Jack the Ripper (69%)
Jack the Ripper (59%)
Jack the Ripper (100%)
Jack the Ripper (52%)
Jack the Ripper (18%)
Jack the Ripper (8%)
Jack the Ripper (7%)